Bloomsbury Street, Birmingham, B7 5BX
| 0121 464 2034
Important Notice: Wednesday 18th December 24 Christmas party day for Daises Children - Friday 20th Dec End of Term Nursery closes at 1pm - Christmas holiday: Fri 20th December – Friday 3rd January - Monday 6th January 25 INSET day - Nursery Closed to all Children. SPRING TERM 1: Coffee SEND Morning Tue 7th & Thurs 9th Jan 25 - Chinese New Year Celebration Activities Mon 27th to Friday 31st Jan 25 - Parent Workshop on Internet Safety Tuesday 4th & Thursday 6th Feb 25 - LAST DAY of TERM Friday 14th Feb 2025 children return on Monday 24th Febuary 2025

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.

The Early Years Foundation Stage sets the standards for Learning, Development and Care for children from birth to five. It includes detailed information on the 7 areas of learning and development, and supporting children from birth through various stages of maturity and development.

Three prime areas underpin children’s learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development

As children grow they will be supported to develop skills in 4 specific areas.

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

Four themes unerpin effective practie in the care, development and learning of young children.

A Unique Child

Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured

Enabling Environments

The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning

Positive Relationships

Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person

Learning and Development

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Development are equally important and interconnected.

Our approach is dependent on the adult’s skills and knowledge of how children learn and is supported by a developmentally appropriate curriculum based on children’s interests and motivations.

The importance of play...

Play is a central part of young children’s learning. Through play, children explore ideas, feelings and relationships. They take risks, make mistakes and try things without fear of failure. Play can push out the limits of what is possible and help children to be creative, flexible and imaginative for sustained periods.

Click on the link below to access a parents guide to the EYFS

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Click on the links below to see our curriculum intentions for the Prime Areas of learning

Bloomsbury Nursery School Curriculum Intent Document

Click below to access the EYFS statutory framework that we work within;

Early Years Foundation Stage October 2024

Click on the links below to see the core books we have chosen to read and why....

Daisies Core Books 2/3 years
Sunflowers Core Books - 3/4 years

Click on the links below to see our Curriculum Goals, which continue to be  'working  documents' that we are reviewing and developing throughout the year;

Curriculum Goal - Personal Social & Emotional
Curriculum Goal- Communication & Language Development
Curriculum Goal - Physical Development

Curriculum Goal- Writing
Curriculum Goal- Reading
Curriculum Goal- Understanding the World
Curriculum Goal - Mathematics

Sunflowers (3-4s) Expressive Arts & Design Long Term Curriculum Plan

If you would like any more information about our curriculum contact: