Bloomsbury Street, Birmingham, B7 5BX
| 0121 464 2034
Important Notice: Eid Celebrations Workshop Tuesday 1st April 25 9am to 10am - Easter Celebration Week Mon 7th to Friday 11th April 25 - Friday 11th April 25 Last Day of Term Nursery closes at 1:00pm children return on Monday 28th April 2025 - BANK HOILDAY Nursery Closed 5th May 2025 - Parent Workshop Math's - Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th May 2025 9am to 10am - Transition Coffee Morning - Tuesday 20th May and Thursday 22nd May 2025 - Half term holiday –26th May - 30th May 2025
Bloomsbury Ethos

Relationships are at the heart of all learning.

At Bloomsbury we are committed to working together to ensure that everyone feels welcome, safe, respected, included and valued.

Our Statement of School Values
Our values underpin our practice and we want them to run through every aspect of our curriculum. The best interests and welfare of children are at the forefront of all that we offer.It is about extending their joy, fascination and wonder at the world around them, about developing concentration, commitment and deep involvement. Encouraging them to reach for the stars!

Our provision is non-discriminatory, accessible and sensitive to race, gender, religion, culture, language, disability, sexuality and differing patterns of family life.

At a recent Staff Development Day , our team of Educators reflected on our vision/intention. We  considered our whole school community.

We intend/want our children to be: Joyful, happy, engaged, confident, empathetic, persistent, to have self-belief, to know their rights, to feel valued and cared for, to develop good listening and attention skills, to be curious, demonstrate wonder, take risks, accept challenges, ask for help and develop resilience feel like nursery is a second home, to grow and thrive, to feel valued and respected, to be listened to, to have fun, to have the opportunity to be creative, to be challenged, to feel secure and comfortable, to receive early intervention, to have a good routine, to feel safe, to be protected, feel free, develop friendships, We want our children to reach for the stars.To be ready for their transition to school.

We intend/want our staff to be: Listened to, supported, valued, respected, have acces to training opportunities,to continue to develop knowledge and expertise, appreciated, praised, not to feel undermined, to work as a team, to communicate with one another, to support one anothers emotional wellbeing, to develop positive relationships, to be happy.

We intend/want our families to be:Included,to be welcomed,  listened to,involved,to be respectful,  to know their children are safe and happy, to feel like we are a safety net, to  be  informed on all aspects of their childs learning, respected, feel confident to approach and ask questions, to be offered support ( ESOL/Family Support)  , to support us by respecting timekeeping etc, to be our partners.

What makes us ‘us’? We considered values that define our setting and why they are so important to us.

Equalities Plan 2022-23

Partnerships & Relationships Equalities & Diversity Communication & Language Outdoors Cultural Capital
Recognising parents as partners in their childs learning
We are not just a nursery
We work with our families to offer extra support
We are part of our community

Generations continue to return
 We really listen to our families
Parents as the childs first teacher
Parent consultations, home visits, celebrations
Partnerships with professionals who can help us and who we can learn from

Our children and team  come from all over the world
We are passionate about childrens rights and developing a culture that has rights embedded throughout
Our nursery is in a SOA, with extremely high levels of deprivation
Most of our children are eligible for pupil premium
We have very high numbers of children with additional needs, rights and entitlements (SEND)

We are accepting, inclusive and seek to find solutions rather than barriers
We have more than 30 languages on average at any given time

We understand that children require language to express their wants, needs and rights

We use Makaton as a universal language

We are proud of our language rich environment, that has a great emphasis on developing vocabulary

We recognise that a smile is universal 
We have a beautiful, landscaped design desined to promote physicality and encourage risk taking
All children access weekly Forest School sessions
We have a Level 3 qualified Forest School lead
We believe there is no such thing as bad weather – only bad clothes

We allow our children to take safe risks because we know this is how children learn 
We actively embrace every opportunity to enrich childrens opportunities for learning
We recognise that cultural capital presents in many different ways; our children are multi linguistic, belong to faith based communities and travel widely to visit family members.
Our celebration of faiths and our richly diverse culture, enhances cultural capital , provoking many opportunities for children and staff to learn with and from one another.