Bloomsbury Street, Birmingham, B7 5BX
| 0121 464 2034
Important Notice: LAST DAY of TERM Friday 14th Feb 2025 children return on Monday 24th February 2025 - World Book Day & Mothers Day Stay and Play Wed 5th March 25 - Eid Celebrations Monday 24th to Friday 28th March 25 - Easter Celebration Week Mon 7th to Friday 11th April 25 - Friday 11th April 25 Last Day of Term Nursery closes at 1:00pm children return on Monday 28th April 2025
Children's Voices

Listening to Children .
It is so important to listen to children. Sometimes children communicate using words, and sometimes through actions, signs and play. We asked our children their thoughts and opinions about nursery school.  This is what they told us.

What do you like doing at nursery? 
'Playdough, chicks and outside’    ‘I like to play’
‘Bikes and dinner’     ‘ I like to play with dinosaurs’
Counting and building
‘Playdough, bikes and building’ 
‘Play with Toy’s’
'Books, football, mark making and water’  ‘ Building, painting & fruit’
'I love dinner at nursery, bikes and pencil’    
'I like to play outside’
‘I like reading’ 
‘Going outside’
‘I like butterfly story’
‘I wanna build a tall tower’
‘Playing outside on the bikes’
'Playing with Car’s’
‘Playing in the house area and make music’
'I Like painting’
' Playing animal’

What do you learn at nursery?
I learn abc....
I learn playdough
I learn numbers
I play everywhere in my nursery
I do dance
I learn to cook and take picture
I learn about dinosaurs
I dont know
Mummy, Daddy
PJ Masks...I learn building

What do you do if someone is unkind to you?

‘ I say that’s rude don’t do that’ 
‘My mummy says ‘Beat them back’,
‘ If someone is unkind to you I talk to them—tell the teacher’
 'No, Thank you’
‘ Tell Daddy & Mummy’
‘ I say no thank you—we say stop’
Do you feel safe at nursery?
‘ I want to stay forever’
‘ Yeh, good’
 ‘Yes, because I love it’
What do you think about the teachers at nursery?

‘I talk to them’
'I am going to give you a trophy'
'My teacher is the best in the world'
' I love my teacher'
 ‘She teach me to play train’
 ‘The teachers know circles’
 ‘Err, that,that the teachers are good’
‘ I don’t know'
 ' I Like them’
 ‘I like’
'They do computers and homework and look after us'

Would you like to tell us anything else about nursery?
‘Urm yes I want to tell you I want you to play with me hide and seek’
‘I like dancing’
 'I like when you tell me a story’
'I like my dinner'