Bloomsbury Street, Birmingham, B7 5BX
| 0121 464 2034
Important Notice: Eid Celebrations Workshop Tuesday 1st April 25 9am to 10am - Easter Celebration Week Mon 7th to Friday 11th April 25 - Friday 11th April 25 Last Day of Term Nursery closes at 1:00pm children return on Monday 28th April 2025 - BANK HOILDAY Nursery Closed 5th May 2025 - Parent Workshop Math's - Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th May 2025 9am to 10am - Transition Coffee Morning - Tuesday 20th May and Thursday 22nd May 2025 - Half term holiday –26th May - 30th May 2025


Bloomsbury  Nursery School is a Local Authority Maintained Nursery School offering up to 192  part-time places of 15 hours per week. We follow Birmingham Local Authority’s guidelines for admission to Nursery Schools.

3 year olds are entitled to a free part time place of 15 hours for every child from the beginning of the term after their third birthday.

15 hours of Early Education for 2 year olds is available to children whose families meet certain criteria (set out below).

Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds may be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare (according to the criteria below).

We also offer fee paying places to ‘Top Up’ free nursery provision.

Opening times

Our 3-4 year old places are offered:

Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds may be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare

Our 2-3 year old places are offered:


Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds may be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare.

The 30 hours free childcare is only for 38 weeks of the year, not 48 weeks. 

This is equivalent to school term times. 

The eligibility for the 30 hour free childcare is:

If one parent of the couple isn’t working, or both parents are not working then the family will still be eligible for their free 15 hours.  However, if one parent isn’t working because they are an official carer (e.g. receiving benefits relating to being a carer) or they are receiving disability benefits and the other parent is working, the government has stated it “intends to make provision“ to support these families.

You will also be eligible if you are self-employed, or on a zero hour contract, as long as you earn at least the equivalent of 16 hours at the National Minimum Wage.

If you think you may be entitled to the free 30 hours then please complete the 30 hours application form and returnthe eligibilty code to  Bloomsbury Nursery School as soon as possible, so that we can reserve your free 30 hour place. 

For more information and to check your eligibility for a full time place, please look here –


15 hours of Early Education for 2 year olds is available to children whose families meet one of the following thresholds:


Fee paying places are available for families who may wish to  'Top Up'  part time places to Full Time. There is a cost of £6 per hour, or £90 for 15 hours. 

If you would like to apply for a place at Bloomsbury  Nursery School, please complete an application form and return it to  the school office. This can be emailed to 

If you would like more information please contact the school office on 0121 464 2034

Link to Registration Form

Parent Declaration Form - April 2024